Manitou R2150 telescopico 30m con cestello ARIEL JIB

The experience 40 years of experience in the realization of many important works in conjunction with a technical support cutting-edge constantly updating enabled us to develop high competence in the following areas:

  • Excavations, earthworks and land accommodation
  • Civil and industrial structures in reinforced concrete and general construction
  • Restructuring civil or industrial
  • Works related, ancillary and complementary to the assembly of prefabricated residential and industrial buildings
  • Construction of aqueducts, sewers, gas, electricity and telephone networks, or any other kind
  • Achievements roads and yards
  • Works of agricultural and forest
  • Green works and sports fields
  • General Demolition of structures and artifacts of all kinds, with transport of materials and subsequent crushing and sorting plant through special
  • Management and transport of non-hazardous waste
  • Hire hot means high performance (Manitou 21 / 30m in height)


Vargo digging pool demolition with tufo   Roof trusses
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